Friday, June 21, 2013

Make Your Life Happy With Professional Life Coach

I have always had a passion to become a life coach, long before I even knew what the term was. My passion for learning and applying personal development to my life with great results also lead to mesharing what worked with others.As I saw what I was sharing empower people to realize their dreams, it sparked that desire in me to make it my career.
I found myself on a six figure income barely six months after the commencement of my first coaching project. I am grateful to that entire organization, for giving me a chance to prove what can be achieved by personally developing a work culture, one individual at a time for 2 years. I eventually had to leave the company after fulfilling a promise to move to Perth with the love of my life.
After 7 years of personal development until 2000, this first experience of applying what I had learned over the years was evidence I was living my purpose. That’s when I knew coaching, mentoring and consulting business was right for me. It would take another 7 odd years before I would develop what I now call the EP7 - Empowered for Purpose in 7 Steps.It’s a 7 Step life coaching system which encompassed 15 years of tested personal development that could accurately explain what makes anyone an elite performer in any field,  be it academics, sports, business or arts.
The first 2 books I published were gift style books with my sayings I penned over a decade. They ended up being Australian best sellers 5 times over: Angelic Dreams andMystical Dreams
I am now writing my book on EP7, called Journey to Genius. I am also in the process of developing a Mind Power Coach Academy that will certify new and existing life coaches to coach with the EP7 system. 
As I continue to apply these 7 steps in my life, my most rewarding dreams continue to materialize. I recently launched my music as MPC (Mind Power Coach) Here is a sneak of one of one of my pre-released trackscalled Live Everyday Like it’s Your Birthday. This song is another way I spread empowering messages, like you are meant to live everyday likeits your birthday, rather than one day per year.
When I was a 10-year-old, I used to listen to Michael Jackson, Prince and George Michael and read the CD booklets from beginning to end. I would read the names of every musician that produced, wrote and/or performed. I recall making a decision to become one of those people and to be on the cover of a CD one day. This has now become a reality!
I had also made a decision in 2002 that I would meet the Prince but back then I did not know how, when and where it will be possible. Not only did I meet him and chat about life, but ended up dancing and singing with him on stage as a VIP guest. What a ride that was!
Influences that led me to make a career in life coaching includepersonal time with Deepak Chopra. I accompanied him on radio interviews and discussed personal development. Consequently, I gained a lot of confidence thanks to his wisdom and encouragement.
I do feel blessed to be living my purpose and I find it rewarding to be in a profession that helps people do the same. As a personal coach, I meet amazing people every day and have the privilege of helping them realize their dreams. It keeps me motivated, which is why I have been giving 90 minute free introductory coach sessions for many years.  
For a complimentary life coaching session at my LifeCoach Perth, 215 Hay St East Perth Office, please don't hesitate to call me on 08 6102 1055.
Twitter: @mindpowercoach

If you want happiness and peace of mind then definitely you should visit carrier coach Perth. It will help you to solve our daily problems and also encourage yourself to get high place in society. If you need training than you need to find expert Life Coach Perth

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